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SCE Formally Notifies NRC of San Onofre Nuclear Plant’s Permanent Shutdown
ROSEMEAD, Calif., June 13, 2013 — Southern California Edison (SCE) on Wednesday formally notified the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that it has permanently ceased operation of San Onofre nuclear plant Units 2 and 3, effective June 7.
The notification, called a Certification of Permanent Cessation of Power Operations, is the formal administrative step following SCE’s announcement last week that the company will retire Units 2 and 3.
“Safety will remain our top priority as we transition to the decommissioning process,” said Pete Dietrich, SCE senior vice president and chief nuclear officer. “We take very seriously our obligation to protect the health and safety of the public and our employees as we take the regulatory and planning steps to decommission San Onofre.”
Dietrich said the NRC will continue to provide regulatory oversight of San Onofre. He noted that San Onofre management will draw upon the expertise of staff who managed the decommissioning of Unit 1, which ceased operation in 1992. Decommissioning is a detailed process that will take many years. The process requirements are outlined in federal regulations.
San Onofre Unit 2 was taken out of service Jan. 9, 2012, for a planned outage and Unit 3 was safely taken offline Jan. 31, 2012, after station operators detected a leak in a steam generator tube.
More information is available at www.edison.com/SONGSupdate and at www.SONGScommunity.com. San Onofre is jointly owned by SCE (78.21 percent), San Diego Gas & Electric (20 percent) and the city of Riverside (1.79 percent). Follow us on Twitter (www.twitter.com/SCE) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/SCE).
About Southern California Edison
An Edison International (NYSE:EIX) company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of nearly 14 million via 4.9 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within Central, Coastal and Southern California.
3:20 PM Eastern 6/13/2013ATOMIC POWER REVIEW
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